Preparation of "Brodetto alla Sanvitese"
1 kg of fish of the following qualities, Cod fillets, Mullets, sole, blockhead, Palombo race squid or cuttlefish, scorpionfish, weaver, alfalfa shrimp, cicadas of the sea, rock fish, salt.
800 g of tomatoes
250 g of olive oil
1/2 peppers of long and thin quality
2 cloves of garlic and parsley minced together
Cook tomato and vegetables and put in pan. Add to favorites and molluscs (except for the small squid that is added at the end); to follow, the fish of medium hardness (the big head, the little fish, the lucerna, the race) and, at the end, the cod and the red mullets. The cooking should continue for about a quarter of an hour, a pan covered and without touching the fish.