Trabocco, or Trabucco, is an imposing construction made of structural wood that consists of a platform stretched out on the sea anchored to the rock by large trunks of Aleppo pine, from which stretch, suspended a few meters from the water, two ( or more) long arms, called antennas, which support an enormous network of narrow meshes called trabocchetto. The different morphology of the Abruzzo and Gargano coast has determined the coexistence of two different types of Trabocco: that Gargano includes anchoring to a rock spur of a platform extended longitudinally to the coastline, from which the antennas depart.

The original Abruzzese typology, technically called scale, often insists on less deep shorelines and is therefore characterized by the presence of a platform in a transverse position with respect to the coast, to which it is connected by a bridge made of wooden platforms, also the scales have an only winch, electrically driven often, even when the sea is perfectly quiet and the network is much smaller than that of the Gargano Traboccos; another feature that differentiates the two types is the length and the number of the antennas, more extensive on the Gargano (also twice the size of Abruzzo and Molise); in Termoli the scales have at most two antennas, on the Gargano and in the north of Bari, in Barletta, Trani and Molfetta, always two or more.


Trabocco Cungarelle  SS 16  Vasto Marina (CH) ItalyTrabocco Punta le Morge  Torino di Sangro  Chieti  ItalyTrabocco (Old fishing house) Punta Rocciosa Fossacesia Chieti  Italy  sunset Trabocco (Old fishing house) Punta Rocciosa Fossacesia Chieti  Italy 3

 Trabocco Turchino: località Portelle Promontory Capo Turchino San Vito Chietino.

It was a symbolic specter and inspiration for one of the famous works of Gabriele Dannunzio who made it a lyrical subject in his opera triumph of death (.. the machine that seemed to live in harmony of its own ..). Also repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt most recently it was reassembled on an ambitious project of landscape re-evaluation with regional funds. It is currently managed by the municipal administration which has made it an integral part of tourist, cultural and educational itineraries. It has maintained the basic structure, with a long walkway that takes a long time in the sea and a wide work platform, but has lost that ancient and rough charm that has bewitched our most eminent poet, prey to arachnids reminiscent in the arms of Morpheus. San Vito Chetino is a charming seaside resort, located on a hill, from which you can admire the trabucco Turchino from above. Defined as the city of the Ginestre, San Vito has in the Belvedere Guglielmo Marconi the vantage point of greatest interest.


Trabocco Congarelle: national road 16 - Vasto Marina (CH) Telephone: 3408629815 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This is the first Trabocco to meet a hypothetical itinerary of discovery from the southernmost area of the trabocchi coast, to climb. It is a structure with an ancient history as it was built in the 40s, and then destroyed and rebuilt several times. Recently, reassembled in 2006 for fishing, it has hosted, since 2012, a restaurant that thanks to a careful and qualified management has immediately been noted for the quality of the culinary offer. Certainly, however, the fortune of this structure is due to its position, located as it is in a beautiful place, in a charming cove, on the outskirts of Vasto Marina, on the state road 16 leading to Casalbordino and Torino di Sangro, so much so that mentioned among the 12 most beautiful seaside restaurants in Italy. Photographically it is an unmissable subject, especially in the gloomy rainy days when the stormy sky and lightning that discharge into the sea, set a fantastic background for a wooden palafitta of considerable aesthetic appeal.



Trabocco Punta le Morge: Torino di Sangro Le Morge locality.


This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Tel. 342.5798604


This is the only Trabocco in the territory of Torino di Sangro and is located in a beautiful and sheltered, recently elected, for the privacy and tranquility present, naturist beach. The etymology of the name Morge is controversial and could derive from the Latin murex (moray) or, in consideration of the granulometry of the beach mainly with mixed stones and pebbles of large dimensions, from a dialectal diction of rock or stone. It was built in the 20s by D'Orazio Ginesio who sold it in 48 to Antonio Ferrante. No purchase was so unhappy: the Traboccoing indeed witnessed the death of his son, in 51, threw himself into the water from a flagpole of his trabocco. Since then the structure was plentiful and then rebuilt in 2011, thanks to state funds and proposed by Mayor Iezzi. This is one of the few Traboccos that has not lost its function as a fishing machine and has not been turned into a restaurant; it is currently managed by a Cultural Recreative Association (Lu Travocche) and it is possible not only to visit it, but also to carry out courses to learn the art of this typical fishing and, become members, even fish, independently, at the established times. It is an irresistible photographic subject since it can become the main actor of breathtaking sunsets and unforgettable dawns, set as it is in a wild beach with a granite and white cobblestones, rich in enormous rocks that protrude from the water.




Trabocco of Punta Rocciosa S. 16 Adriatica Fossacesia Marina (CH) Information and reservations Tiziana Arrizza (+39) 339 2174435


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It is an enchantment for the eyes: beautiful in the mist of the first breeze in the morning, when its underexposed shape seems to emerge slowly from the water, beautiful at midday, when the Zenith sun floods it with an almost unreal light, intriguing and romantic at sunset, when its artificial lights are reflected in the water and contrast the blue hour of a dying day. Lost its initial function as a fishing machine, today is a charming and typical restaurant of excellent quality, run by competent staff and extreme kindness, where in addition to the offer of delicious mussels with saffron and fish soup remains a very high respect for a centenary stilt house with a history and an image to be protected as a priority. Personally I landed a late afternoon at the end of July and while I photographed, from the pebbly beach in front, the reflections in the sea of his flagpoles, I was enchanted by the ethereal tranquility of a timeless place and the exquisite availability and hospitality of Raul Frittella, which allowed me to visit the platform of the stilt house, now transformed into a welcoming and rustic environment for the satisfaction of lucullian palatal desires. I recommend a visit without any delay, certainly a gastronomic experience adhering to the local specialties.





Trabocco Fish Palombo: in Fossacesia - Tel.333.3055300)


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In Contrada La Penna in Fuggitelle, is a palafitta inextricably linked to the ancient family of the Veri, and currently owned by Bruno Veri. This is a structure used today in the restaurant, perhaps among the most beautiful and best preserved. It is open to the public only during the summer, but this does not detract from its particular charm derived from the structural grandeur and the long walkway that connects the platform to the mainland.




Trabocco Punta Cavalluccio: Contrada Piane Favaro 267 - 66020 Rocca San Giovanni (CH)


Tommaso Verì: +39 338 5980985, Giuseppina Paolucci: +39 333 3010800


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It has been for years the workplace of one of the most famous Traboccoing of Chieti, Masino Veri, who died at 91 years not long ago; since 2004, the trabocco has been transformed into a restaurant that is supplied with fresh fish from Orlandino Veri, son of Masino and managed by Tommaso Veri and his wife Pina.




Trabocco Punta Isolata: Contrada Vallevò Rocca San Giovanni (Chieti)


Telefono: +39 - 3395811338 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

E' stato costruito nel 1980 da Mauro D'Antonio con l'aiuto di Tonino Veri, memoria storica della cultura marinaresca dei traboccanti




Trabocco Sasso della Cajana: (Seagull in the local dialect) Contrada Vallevò, 64, Vallevò CH - Marino Veri 347 913 5043




Trabucco (house for fishing)  Fossacesia Marina Chieti Italy  dawnTrabocco (Old fishing house) Punta Rocciosa Fossacesia Chieti  Italy 2Trabucco (house for fishing)  Fossacesia Marina Chieti ItalyTrabocco (fishing house) Punta Cavalluccio, Rocca San Giovanni (CH) ItalyTrabucco (house for fishing)  Fossacesia Marina Chieti Italy  sunset