Preparation of Cuttlefish "alla Sanvitese"
1 Kg. clean cuttlefish
1 glass of dry white wine, the juice of one lemon
4 cloves of garlic
50 g. parsley,
1/2 glass of extra virgin olive oil, chili pepper according to taste, salt and Pepper To Taste
Recipe: Chop the parsley. Wash, dry the cuttlefish and cut into pieces. Put the oil, pepper, parsley, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a bowl. Add the cuttlefish and let it rest in the marinade for at least two hours. Chop the garlic. Separate the cuttlefish from the marinade. Fry the garlic in a tablespoon of oil, add the marinade liquid and when it starts to stir, add the cuttlefish and brown. Wet with the wine, cover the pan. lower the heat, and cook stirring frequently, for an hour or until the cuttlefishes are tender. Serve warm by sprinkling with fresh parsley.